Tuesday, December 20, 2005

We suck.

Best road record in the league for the season? Bah. You'd never know it.

Sure, we came out and got a lead but, in typical Islander fashion, we blew it. We blew it hard. We blew it like an unpopular girl in high school trying to get a date to the prom. OK. Thatw as a stretch. But we blew it.

7 unanswered goals by the Leafs. A team riddled with enough players so old that their roster alone could threaten American Social Security. That is, if so many weren't Canadian. That's right. I said it. Canadian.

I'm thinking DiPietro really is just a flashy douche-bag. Like any one else, he has flashes of greatness and can stand on his head (what's with that fuckin' term anyway? Does standing on your head really allow you to stop more shots? Or is this just hockey's idea of the ulitmate display of physical prowess?
"Hey, I can run a 4 minute mile."
"Oh yeah? Well I can stand on my head!"
It must be a Canadian thing. That's right. I said it again.).

And someone needs to kill Darcy Tucker. That nutjob is unstable. You can see it in his eyes. There's just too much white showing when he looks up at the jumbo-tron. You can tell just like you can tell when you look at pictures of America's Most Wanted at the post office. But then again, Darcy is playing for the Leafs. Maybe all fine, even-keeled, upstanding Canadians look like that.

That's right. I said it yet again!

Last night would have been a perfect opportunity. Domi was out of the line up. Godard and Asham could've jumped Darcy and pulled a Kerrigan on him. Maybe a Sherwood enema.

Maybe I'm just sour-graping but I really fuckin hate that team and I hate that guy the most.


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